Marine Construction

Seismic Surveys monitors vibration and noise from marine construction projects to measure and document these effects transmitted to adjacent third-party structures, people, and marine life. Our monitoring systems include sensors that measure noise (airborne or underwater) and vibrations caused by blasting, pile driving, demolition, dredging, or heavy equipment operation on these projects. With continual measurement using our state-of-the-art technology, our customers can adjust operations to control noise and vibration effects to accepted safe standards. These data are valuable protection against unwarranted claims and assist in addressing concerns when they arise.

Why Is Seismic Monitoring Important In Marine Construction?

Marine construction involves building marine structures and shorelines in a marine or shoreline environment. Examples of these marine construction projects are:

The marine contractor must control vibration and noise levels transmitted to adjacent structures, people, or marine life from these projects to accepted safe standards. Vibration and noise levels within accepted safe limits can still result in concerns or a need to demonstrate compliance with regulations or project specifications. Collecting vibration noise data at nearby exposures before and during construction activities is a marine construction contractor’s best tool for demonstrating compliance and minimizing the risk of vibration and noise-related claims.

Decades of Experience in Marine Construction

Seismic Surveys has decades of experience in vibration and noise monitoring on marine construction projects. Our engineers and geologists have the professionalism and expertise to collaborate with your team to implement the right marine construction vibration and noise monitoring solution based on your goals. We have been the industry leader in equipment and service quality for decades.


Who We Serve

We provide geotechnical and structure movement monitoring services for:

Civil Construction

Vibration and noise monitoring for civil construction projects to document effects transmitted to nearby structures.

Sensitive Structures

Vibration and noise monitoring for demolition, construction, and renovations in and around vibration-sensitive structures.

Marine Construction

Vibration and noise monitoring to document effects on third-party structures, people, and marine life.


Traffic vibration monitoring to assess the structural health of bridges and roadways and identify structural changes.


Vibration and overpressure monitoring for mining to document compliance and protect nearby structures.

Visit our applications page to learn more about how clients use our services.

Contact Us

Monitoring vibration and noise is an essential for maintaining compliance with project standards and minimizing unwarranted claims.
Contact us to set your project on a safe and successful path.